As we are a privately funded all-volunteer organization, we rely heavily on public interest and support. Below are various ways you can help us continue
to find permanent, loving homes for German Shepherd Dogs. We appreciate your generous support!
We are organized as a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity so contributions are tax-deductible. Our EIN# is 52-2331060.
Cash Donations
We accept cash donations to fund our program. Please send any amount to:
German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California, Inc.
P.O. Box 1930
Cupertino, CA 95015-1930 |
Credit Card Donations
One Time OR Monthly
We accept credit card donations! It's easy - just click on the button below and you will be directed to a *secure* online PayPal donation area.
Please consider including GSRNC in your will to leave a lasting legacy for dogs left behind. When including a bequest provision in your will,
please use our full legal name, EIN number and mailing address:
German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California
EIN 52-2331060
P.O. Box 1930
Cupertino, CA 95015-1930
Corporate Matching Gifts
Your donation to GSRNC can go even further with a matching gift from your employer. Over 9,000 companies agree
to "match" their employees' charitable contributions by doubling or even tripling their gift with a donation from the company. Before you make a donation to us, please find out if your employer has such a program. You may be able to help the dogs more than you thought!
Payroll Deduction/Workplace Campaigns
One convenient way to give a gift to GSRNC is through a payroll deduction. Each year campaigns like United Way, the Combined Federal Campaign, and United California State Employees Campaign allow employees to make a one-time or monthly contribution to charitable organizations. If German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California is not listed in your campaign catalog, ask if you can write us in. The dogs thank you!
Appreciated Securities/Stock Donations
Donating appreciated securities to us avoids taxes on the appreciation. The donor deducts the value of the securities.
Click Here for More Information
Donation of Appreciated Securities
If you would like to make a donation to German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California and you own appreciated stocks, a very tax efficient way to make the donation is to transfer the stock to Rescue (rather than selling it and donating the proceeds). Since we are a non-profit, when we sell the security (immediately) no tax is due on the sale and the entire proceeds goes to Rescue. The donor gets a deduction equal to the proceeds we receive from the sale.
For example, suppose you own stock with a current market value of $6,000.00 and a cost of $1,000.00 If you donate the stock to Rescue, we immediately sell it, receive the $6,000.00 and pay no tax. You get a tax deduction of $6,000.00
Compare this to selling the stock first, paying the taxes on the gain of $1,465.00 (20% capital gains and 9.3% state) leaving $4,535.00 to donate to Rescue and only $4,535.00 to deduct on this year's tax return.
So donating the security gives you $1,465.00 more deduction and Rescue receives $1,465.00 higher donation.
We periodically sponsor events to raise funds for our rescue efforts. These events will be listed on our Calendar - we welcome your participation.